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Materializing Memories:
Ephemeral Boundaries Collection
This recent body of work revolves around personal family photographs. This collection includes contemporary snapshots and images from my home country, dating back to the early or pre-2000. Painting from an abandoned photograph to me is like rebuilding material, transforming the impermanence of a memory into something more tangible and physical. The paintings demand a different presence rather than confined to a pocket-sized photograph, they’re here in the room with you to face you. Re-painting and reworking these photographs is, for me, a process of creating new meanings and contexts. It captures the dynamic tension between the past and the present. Through my art, I explore the intricate layers of identity, memory, and the ever-evolving narratives of immigration.

Materializing Memories: Digital Collages

Materializing Memories: Printmaking

Non-Collection Paintings

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